The Best 10 Online Schedulers — Free and Paid — Best Sales Tools To Grow Your Business

7 min readNov 3, 2020


But this action can only increase if you have nurtured leads in your hand, what happens when your lead count falls down?

Leads especially the ones in 2020 are quick and will not wait any minute longer if a brand fails to cater to them immediately.

It is simple to understand that if a prospect is on your website right now and sees no way to contact you or finds your line busy, they are going to walk away to your competitors. ‘’If you follow up with online leads within 5 minutes, you’re 9 times more likely to convert them.’’

This can cause a huge loss for your lead conversion rates, however this can be avoided.

Making use of online schedulers, you can receive the opportunity of never missing out on potential leads. Not only will this action make an impact on your lead rates but also lets you function better with your lead management.

To understand better about online schedulers, this article will be your guide.

Meaning of Online Schedulers

‘’More than 40% of salespeople say this is the most challenging part of the sales process, followed by closing (36%) and qualifying (22%).’’

Do you know why?

Because sales reps are doing so much in a shorter time frame.

Whether it is replying to emails, sending follow-ups, conducting calls, doing research, prepping, and growing in their skills, and more, sales reps are busy from every corner.

Due to this, there can be instances where sales reps fail to cater to the lead count.

Interesting Read : 10 Ways To Increase Your Conversion Rate

What would happen if there was a solution that could take care of prospect management?

A solution that could schedule meetings on your behalf and all you need to do is connect with the prospect at the given time?

This is exactly what online schedulers are all about.

This solution ensures that your prospects have the ability to book meetings and the same is sent to you either via email or on your calendar schedule. You even get reminders when to conduct the call so that you are prepared to connect with your prospects.

This is just one advantage, online schedulers hold multiple more of them.

Let’s understand that better in the next category.

Key Benefits of investing in Online Schedulers

1. Other tasks can be completed

As a sales rep, there are multiple things for you to conduct. As stated in the examples earlier, those tasks are also important and play a good role in lead generation. But while these tasks are being conducted, there is always that one process that always receives lesser priority.

In this case, it would either be lead management or the other tasks. The best thing about online schedulers is that it eliminates this hassle. While online schedulers take care of your lead engaging with you by booking schedules to reach out to them, you have the time to prioritize your other tasks simultaneously.

2. No missing out on leads

There are multiple reasons why leads get missed out. One of the common reasons was not being able to cater to them quicker as stated at the beginning of the article. Missing out on leads especially in the current crisis situation cannot be afforded by you.

Hence to eliminate this drawback from happening, online schedulers provide prospects with the opportunity to be reached out to them.

3. Better lead management

Catering to leads isn’t easy. Not all the leads that come to your website is a valuable lead for your brand. Hence online schedulers do the brilliant work of letting you engage with the potential leads. When you’re aware that leads are expecting a callback from you, it clearly exhibits that they are warm leads.

This gives you the sales reps to indulge in an engagement with only those leads that are interested in investing or considering your product or brand.

Interesting Read : Voicemails Can Push Your Sales From Better To Worst : Here’s Why

4. Book appointments anytime

Another reason to love online schedulers is that prospects can book meeting schedules anytime they wish too. Have you noticed why it is said that brands need to be functioning and catering to prospects 24/7?

This is because your prospects will explore your websites anytime they get time. It could be their lunch break or if they are scrolling through a page in the night or mid-morning and more. In such times, your website needs to give the prospects the impression that you are available to assist them.

Since you cannot be physically present at all times, the online scheduler can help you. It will help your prospects to book appointments as per their convenience so that you are always reminded and aware of when to reach out to them.

5. Builds better customer experience

For any business to grow better with reference to leads, the minute action counts. There are multiple of them such as following up at the right time with leads, engaging with them better, and more. The more convenience you bring for your prospect towards your brand, the better are your opportunities to capture them and convert them as a sales lead.

Hence online schedulers also help you receive those opportunities. With the immediate booking of meetings anytime, you are coming one step closer to your potential leads.

Did you know that there are multiple Online scheduler solutions available? There are a few that are paid and a few that are free that can help you get started for your better understanding of how the solution works.

Luckily for you, we have covered the top ones.

Top 10 Best Online schedulers ( Free and Paid) to get started

Chilli Piper ensures that your online scheduling action takes place seamlessly. It is easy, simple, and gets started immediately. You can even place the meeting links on any platforms you wish to such as your websites, social media channels, and more. Also, all lead routing takes place automatically.


Type of plan: Paid


Starts from $250/month

G2 Ratings of Chilli Piper

The online scheduling process in Drift meetings is simple and straightforward to get started with. It also provides multiple other features such as guiding the best leads who are hot leads to the right sales rep. The application also offers a chatbot so that conversations can run smoothly.


Type of plan: Paid


Need to speak with the team

G2 Ratings:

While letting your prospects schedule meetings online, the application also lets you exhibit your booking links on the platforms you wish your prospects to book from. It is a user-friendly application and conducts an automatic and easy booking process.


Type of plan: Paid


Starts from $15/month

G2 Ratings

This is an application that is another simple way of scheduling meetings online. It doesn’t have many features but does the basic job of scheduling meetings. Another great reason to love this application is that it lets you customize your scheduling actions based on brand.


With reference to the online scheduling perspective, the features haven’t been displayed

Type of plan: Paid


Starts from $34/month

G2 Ratings

Genbook is another online scheduler that you can get started with. It provides a smart calendar that is easy to understand, can be customizable, and conducts other types of actions such as avoiding double booking and more.


Type of plan: Paid


Starts from $29/month

G2 Ratings

The main focus of this application is to ensure that communication with prospects is convenient and also the bonds between the two are better and efficient. This application is best suited for small businesses. This application goes on to offer multiple features that can make an impact on your online scheduling.


Type of plan: Free


Starts from $9.6/month

G2 Ratings

Hubspot is a well-established brand and apart from the other solutions it offers, the online scheduling is another great feature it offers. The application offers multiple other features that make the online scheduling process easier. It also integrates with Google, Outlook, and Office 365.


Type of plan: Free


Starts from $45/month

Capterra Ratings

There are multiple reasons to fall in love with Appointlet, they offer several advantages that can enhance your meeting schedules such as unlimited booking options, automatic booking notifications, personalized links, and more.


Type of plan: Free


Starts from $8/month

G2 Ratings

This is another application that offers free unlimited appointments. It offers multiple features that are best suited for sales teams. Almost all the features contribute to the enhancement of the online scheduling process. You even have the option to customize or create your booking page so that prospects can cater to your brand and your team better.


Type of plan: Free


Starts from $9/month

G2 Ratings:

Arrangr is another great online scheduling option where security is prioritized to the maximum. Arrangr is simple, easy to use, and works well with the features it offers. It also offers booking options where you can align accordingly to your brand. It integrates better with Google and Microsoft and makes it easy for leads to book their appointments.


Type of plan: Free


Is currently offering a free plan for the packages they offer

Capterra Ratings

These are the tools that can help you conduct online scheduling processes much better. If you would like to try it out, you can opt for the free online schedulers. If you’re confident about investing in one, the top ones are the paid online schedulers to help you get started.

The Bottom Line…

‘’68% of B2B companies are still struggling with lead generation.’’

While there are multiple reasons that cover it, one of those reasons makes it inconvenient for prospects to reach out to you.

Luckily the article covered that for you and you have the top tools to get started with.

So tell us, what did you think of this article? Did you find it useful?

We would love to hear from you, to reach out to us, just tweet.

Leena Fernandes

A writer by choice. Leena has served her passion for writing mainly into the B2B marketplaces.

Originally published at on November 3, 2020.

